Established in 1973, Sunshine Health Foods has provided healthy alternatives to the people of the central coast for over 40 years.
Sunshine Health Foods was funded by Bob Finley who ran it for almost 25 years. In 2005 it was purchased by Bill and Dani Nicholson who had it for the next 10 years and in 2006, Texas native Greg Barnard purchased Sunshine after working with Bill for 3 years. Since then, Sunshine has doubled its size and transformed into a full service natural foods market providing fresh local produce and powering Shine Cafe’s stunning menu . Since its doors first opened, customers have been proud to walk in, knowing they are getting the highest quality service on the Central Coast.
We offer a variety of natural and organic food from the local area as well as unique items from around the world.Our produce is purchased from local farmers markets three days a week with the remainder coming from a certified organic distributor. Our staff is knowledgeable on vitamins, supplements, and the newest health trends to provide you with the highest quality service and education.

Some of our products:
Dr. Bronner's personal care
Diary substitutes
Fresh vegetables and fruit
Natural body products
Coffee and tea
Natural health supplements
Cereals and grains